How to use Digital Media Effectively in Marketing
- Zoe Gardiner
In today's constantly changing environment, it is important to have loyal customers to stay ahead of the market. Digital Marketing can be an effective way to build trusting and long-lasting relationships with customers. Digital Marketing can be utilized to have good communication with customers. Digital Media has greatly changed the way businesses can communicate with clients. There are many digital platforms available for businesses to use to communicate with clients.
A great platform to utilise is MailChimp. MailChimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service.
Here are three ways you can use MailChimp to build customer loyalty:
One- Segmented Mail Lists
You can set up different mail lists for different segments and adjust the content accordingly. For example, a mail list based on age, gender, or geographic location so you can send content to customers based on where they are located, like an upcoming event you are holding. This will mean the content you send to the client is more likely to appeal to them. You can also have one master list to send emails to everyone so when there is content you think all customers should see you can still easily send it to all of them.
Two- Personalised Messages
Mailchimp allows you to send personalized messages to customers in your database. MailChimp has mail fields where it will automatically add first-name or last names to the email to make it more personalized. By doing this you will make the customer feel more valued. Individual effort is a great way to create a stronger connection and increase your customer's loyalty.
MailChimp also offers analytics so you can see which campaigns have been the most successful and which have been unsuccessful. This will allow you to adjust content based on what is working. For example, it shows you how many emails have been opened and what links have been clicked. If only 20% of the mailing list opened the email then the subject line needs to be adjusted to be more engaging. But if the links have not been clicked then the content itself needs to be adjusted to be more appealing to customers.
If you have any questions about your marketing or think Mailchimp could be useful for you contact us here